Paul Vecker
2 min readNov 10, 2020

Lest anyone wonder what this current tantrum is really about, you only need to think about the character of the individual that currently occupies the highest office in the land:

This is not about a free and fair election — it has already been proven that we had one.

This is not about potential voter fraud or any irregularities at the voting booth — there has not been a shred of evidence offered that anything was amiss during this election. EVIDENCE MATTERS.

This is not about a particular ideology or the promulgation of traditional Republican governance — remember, the Republicans did NOT HAVE A PLATFORM for this year’s convention.

This is about one thing and one thing only — EGO. In particular the ego of one Donald Trump. The fragile, infantile, overblown ego of Donald Trump.

He is refusing to accept defeat for fear that he be branded as a “Loser”. He thinks losing is the worst thing that can happen to someone. His whole brand is based on him being a “winner” and associating with other winners. Remember when he said that John McCain wasn’t a hero because he was captured? That was all part of this “winner” aura that he was trying to project.

So to avoid the “stigma” of being labeled a loser, he is willing to bring down the government. Destroy whatever faith in our institutions remains; shatter any sense of stability and normalcy. Put our national security at risk.

Just so he can say that he didn’t “lose”.

Please remember that this strategy has been telegraphed for months. Trump started talking about a corrupt and unfair election over six months ago. The reason that ballots were counted after the voting booths closed in states like Pennsylvania was due to a series of lawsuits brought by Republicans; the indented purpose of which was to create this period of fear, uncertainty and doubt. The ability to question the results. They knew that Trump would lose the election so they started constructing the off-ramp ahead of time.

Here’s the problem with all this — a very large segment of the population is going to believe that he didn’t lose. Elected Officials, afraid of enraging some of the 70 Million that voted for Trump, are playing right along — adding fuel to the already raging fire in this country. Conservative Media is throwing hand grenades into ammo depots. The tinder box of this country is about to burst.

And it’s all because of EGO.



Paul Vecker

I like to write first person stories about human emotions and feelings. I am a fan of Hemingway and Vonnegut. You’ll usually find me at the gym or on a bike.